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Piano Backing Tracks

The Best Online Backing Tracks for the Piano

Learning to play electric keyboards or the piano is a lifeskill lots of folk want to accomplish. Many aspiring Blues or R’n’B Stars of the Future will give it a go with differing levels of success.

More now than ever the learner pianist has lots of different tools available to help them learning the necessary skills to become a competent keyboardist. One that is often overlooked when starting out but can provide much needed inspiration, particularly if you “hit the buffers” or you just feel the you are in a rut and feel your routine needs a change up is to find some Top Piano Backing Tracks and begin to play along to them.

Finding Piano Backing Tracks is much easier to do with the internet than it ever was before and can certainly put the fun back into learning keyboard skills.
It may sound obvious but learning Piano shouldn’t be a chore, however lots of people find it just that and give up what should be an enjoyable passtime.

Top Piano Backing Tracks OnlineLearning the traditional ways of playing piano are often based on regularly practising scales and arpeggios in a boring monotinous fashion that can take the fun from getting better at playing this fantastic musical instrument. One way that I found to be fun and think is a good idea particularly for any students who are having a tough time is to get hold of some piano backing tracks to play along to.

Choose some of your favourite songs and just give it a go. You will find a proper backing track to be a great fun alternative to playing regular scales and much more straightforward to play along to than a regular CD or Youtube video. It’s surprising the amount you can improvise to even a simple backing track and it can certainly help bring back the joy of piano lessons.

Tracking down helpful and really useful backing tracks ( no pun intended) used to be a tricky task but with the advent of specialized sites and apps on pretty much all platforms iOS, Android and Windows it is now much easier. Choose your favorite tune and you’ll find lots of free or cheap programs and apps to give you remarkably easy access to that song in a modifed form.

Learning to play Piano to a Backing Track

Is it really a productive use of your time and really of benefit to you as a way to learn piano at home?
A lot of people would say that the fun and the thrill of playing a “Proper Song” and the inspiration to improve your piano skills alone make this worthwhile and certainly help you to fall in love with the piano. As a learning tool you really shouldn’t ignore it, a good piano backing track will let you become part of the band which according to lots of pros helps you improve your appreciation of rhythm and timing, and is an excellent means of learning about piano music tone.

Look out for a backing track that has a very clearly defined drum section that will help you immensely with tone,rhythm and timing better than almost anything.

As A Conclusion

Almost any way of practicing is a good thing, particularly if your chosen method helps you to make an improvement in your skills. Piano playing should be fun and the benefits of piano backing tracks as a way of learning to play and improve in an enjoyable way shouldn’t be overlooked. Playing along to a backing track is very different to playing to a CD or Video and you really should try it especially of you are having problems with your rythm or tone, or have just lost your piano mojo. With the vast number of apps and the ease of access to good quality backing tracks for the piano through the internet nowadays you really should give some tracks a go.


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Piano Backing Tracks
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